(If this page was not the one you expected to see: This page doubles as my 404 page.)
Meals on Wheels for providing food and a bright spot in the day for people who are homebound.
Wikipedia because it is the encyclopedia to end all encyclopedias.
The American Library Association because it brings together American librarians into a combined force to support and defend the values embodied by libraries.
KBOO-FM Portland because it provides a community-run platform for people who have no other media outlets.
Friends of the Multnomah County Library because it supports a great public library.
The Portland Art Museum because it offers exciting exhibits, a worthy permanent collection, and a variety of public programs that support the arts.
Mother Foucault's Bookshop for being the model of a small book store.
The Good Show, Radio Nowhere, and Sound Opinions for providing so many hours of enjoyably innovative radio programming.
Project Euler and the Khan Academy for providing places to practice mathematics and programming.