Imagining the Lap Pilot

Articles and books that forecast the 21st Century


[Ad72] Adler, Mortimer and Charles Van Doren. How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading. Simon & Schuster, New York: 1972, 1940.

[Bu45] Bush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." Atlantic Monthly, July 1945, pgs. 101-08.

[Gl94] Gladney, Henry M., et al. "Digital Library: Gross Structure and Requirements, Report from a March 1994 Workshop." Conference Proceedings, Digital Libraries '94.

[Kl94] Kling, Rob and Margaret Elliott. "Digital Library Design for Usability." Conference Proceedings, Digital Libraries '94.

[La98] LaGuardia, Cheryl and Barbara A. Mitchell, eds. Finding Common Ground: Creating the Library of the Future without Diminishing the Library of the Past. Neal-Schuman, New York: 1998.

[McL64] McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: 1994, 1964.

[Nue95] NÜrnberg, Peter J., Richard Furuta, John J. Leggett, Catherine C. Marshall, and Frank M. Shipman III. "Digital Libraries: Issues and Architectures." Conference Proceedings, Digital Libraries '95.

[Ta95] Tapscott, Don. The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York: 1995.

[Wo98] Wolf, Milton T., Pat Ensor, and Mary Augusta Thomas, eds. Information Imagineering: Meeting at the Interface. American Library Association, Chicago: 1998.

[Ya85] Yankelovich, Nicole, Norman Meyrowitz, and Andries van Dam. "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book." Computer, October 1985, pgs. 15-30.