In addition to writing a full review for each book or article, I also
make a summary judgment about whether each is worth reading. My criteria
are mostly intellectual: Did the writer back up his arguments? Did he
ignore important information that undermines his thesis? Was he fair? Was
he intellectually honest? I also consider clear and compelling prose
to be essential in a good book.
My summary judgment is indicated with two colored dots next to the
listing of the title of the book on the index page. Here are what the dots
 Excellent -- This
book is essential for anyone interested in the subject it addresses. A
joy to read and a pleasure to recommend.
 Worthwhile -- This
book has some notable flaws, but these are far out-weighed by the book's
 Readable -- (1) This
book has virtues and flaws that balance each other out; or, (2) This book
made no strong impression on me one way or the other.
 Fatally flawed -- This
book has some virtues, but these are overwhelmed by its methodological
shortcomings and/or factual mistakes or omissions.
 Garbage -- This book has
no redeeming values that make it worth the time to read.